Отчитане и комуникация
Всяко съобщение
Разказва история!
Отчитане и комуникация
Всяко съобщение
Разказва история!
Установете и подхранвайте висококачествени взаимоотношения както със семействата, така и с членовете на персонала, предлагайки на вашия персонал удобен и ефективен инструмент за комуникация със семейства, администратори и колеги.
Централизирайте вашата система за съобщения, бюлетини и сигнали, за да подобрите координацията и да опростите споделянето на важни етапи, снимки и видеоклипове.

Всеки ден на детето.
Добре планирано приключение!
Всеки ден на детето.
Добре планирано приключение!
Тази функция позволява бързо и ефективно разпространение на информация до всички заинтересовани страни - родители и персонал.
Само с едно щракване можете незабавно да уведомите всички за всяко предстоящо специално събитие, независимо дали е екскурзия, родителска среща, училищна пиеса или друго важно събитие.

Фактуриране и записване
Регистрирайте се с лекота,
Плащайте с увереност!
Фактуриране и записване
Регистрирайте се с лекота,
Плащайте с увереност!
Оптимизирайте администрацията на вашия център чрез рационализирани и ефективни процеси.
- Централизирайте данните за семейството и персонала за лесен достъп.
- Управлявайте приема и управлението на списъци с чакащи онлайн
- Осигурете съответствие с цифровите регистрации, здравни оценки и проследяване на съотношението на стаите и генерирайте отчети бързо

iOS & Android Platforms
Parents mobile application
iOS & Android Platforms
Parents mobile application
Поддържайте връзка с ежедневните дейности на вашето дете, независимо къде се намирате
- Получавайте ежедневни отчети: Получавайте незабавни актуализации за дейностите, храненията и времето за дрямка на вашето дете директно от детския център.
- Напомняния за събития и дейности: Никога не пропускайте специален момент или важно събитие в центъра на вашето дете.
- Приложението ви държи информирани и подготвени.
- Известия в реално време: Независимо дали е актуализация от учителя или спешен сигнал, ще получавате известия в реално време.
- Сигурен и лесен достъп: Цялата информация на вашето дете се съхранява сигурно и можете да получите достъп до нея само с няколко докосвания.

Вижте как kidsday помага на вашия Център за Грижи за Деца

Всичко в едно приложение.


Управление на центъра

Цифрови отчети

Онлайн регистрация

Управление на персонала

Съобщения за родителите


Какво казват клиентите
4.9/5 звезди

“Easier Kindergarten Monitoring with kidsday!”
The possibility to monitor the general performance of the kindergarten and to stay updated with the events and activities that take place during the day is now much easier, with the digitization of our kindergarten with kidsday.

Dayschool Prishtina
“kidsday Revolutionizes Administrative Efficiency at Kiddy Academy!”
One of the main advantages of the application is saving time! By sharing information on a stable online platform, kidsday reduces the need for physical documentation and manual processes, facilitating staff work and reducing time and financial costs for the kindergarten.

Arta T.
Manager at Kiddy Academy
“ kidsday has changed the workflow and management of Kids Club!”
Our Kindergarten has reduced the need for printed documents and this has helped us as an institution in our efforts to protect the environment by reducing the use of paper.

Erëza M.
Manager at Kids Club
“"Great customer service, and very easy to use!"”
Overall, very great! Have been looking for an education management app for months that has a clean UI, easy and simple to use, has messaging features, and can track attendance while also track students progress. And kidsday is just perfect! Would definitely recommend everyone to check it out!

Wulan D.
Founder, Head Tutor
“kidsday has greatly improved communication and collaboration at Pathway Nursery!”
Allowing for regular updates on children's nutrition, sleep, activities, and availability. This has provided parents with peace of mind! In summary, kidsday has enhanced parent-school communication and fostered a collective commitment to children's well-being and development.

Albina K.
Director at Pathway
“we're highly satisfied with the kidsday!”
It has effectively streamlined management tasks and provided parents with regular updates about their children, resulting in increased peace of mind.

Liridona N.
Director at Blini Kindergarten
“ It's not just an app; it's the final puzzle piece that's beautifully completed our Kindergarten journey in every way!”
The parents of our Kindergarten have appreciated this app so much, while using kidsday we have noticed an improvement in communication. kidsday has completed our Kindergarten in all aspects.

Gëzime Ç.
Director at Bardha Academy
“we're thrilled to announce our successful digitization via the kidsday at let center!”
kidsday has made a big difference in the way we communicate and report on our children's activities and progress in kindergarten. Parents, guardians and our kindergarten team are happy to be able to follow and be updated with daily reports online, making them feel more connected and involved in the life and daily routine of our children in kindergarten. Also, the organization of events and activities through the application has made everything easier and more accessible for everyone and to be informed in record time. Thanks to the amazing kidsday team for the great platform and their continued support!

Lida H.
“Kids Day is an amazing platform that has transformed the way we operate in our Kindergarten!”
It helps us organize schedules, track children's attendance and communicate with parents efficiently. This makes our job easier and more efficient in managing garden tasks.

Zana K.
Director at The Magic Kindergarten
“kidsday is extremely useful!”
we've been using the kidsday for almost a year now and i haven't found anything about the app that i could fault or criticize. it's every parent's dream!

Edona Th.
Director at Kids Avenue
“ kidsday has provided a great experience!”
By allowing parents to follow the daily activities of children and providing a transparent reporting tool, this app has helped in communication and cooperation between educators and parents. With real-time information, it has become easy to monitor and track children's development in an efficient and convenient way.

Manager at Kids Academy
“We've not only streamlined our operations but have also unlocked an extra hour in our day. ”
With the Digitization of our Kindergarten with kidsday, we have saved at least 1 hour of time during the day. Additional time that can be dedicated to more children.

Gentiana Rrustemi
Director at AMA
“A very professional App!”
Kidsday has helped me and my staff a lot in creating an online and technological "file" that you can use anywhere and anytime without having to spend so much time and financial resources on papers. It has also given us very good opportunities and it is not just a simple daily report as it also includes observations and evaluations for the children which make the work much more professional and helps us to be in step with world trends.

Qendresa L.
Director - Eco Kids CC
“kidsday is a game-changer in my profession!”
Thanks to kidsday, effortlessly sharing children's activities and progress has become a seamless process.At day's end, I'm not just a more professional educator, but a more relaxed one too.

Egzona M.
Educator at Stina Education Center
“kidsday has clearly become an essential platform for our institution.”
As it has had a great impact on informing parents about the development and well-being of their children from a more detailed report in various areas such as: daily activities, food, sleep and going out in nature...

Arbenita S.
Director at Stina Education Center